Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Block Is Hot!!!!

Hello all! I'm out of my place bunking down at my cousin's. Too much fire and smoke for me....I had to go! Kinda crazy to see all this stuff burn. I pray for all those who've lost their homes and pray that mine be spared. Keeps us in your prayers!


Saturday, November 15, 2008

It's Gettin' Hot In Here!!!!!

Well just wanted to keep some of you posted. I am sitting here about to start breathing in a paper bag as I watch HELL break loose around me. Yep the fire is about 20 miles from me and I am freaking out!!!!! I am packing up waiting to see which way it is going. So far it doesn't seem to be coming this way....I don't think! The winds are still high so as we all know, fire is unpredictable. There is a really big state park with tons of canyons between me and thee (fire) but just in case, I've packed up some things so I can get the heak outta here!!!! Okay, gotta go track the flames more!


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Apologies To All.....But I'm Back!!!

Hey there everyone. Sorry I've been slacking but when I tell you about my normal day I hope you will understand why.

Well as I said before I have started radiation. Actually, I'm halfway done with it! So what is radiation you may ask, how does it make you feel you may ask. Well, radiation is like a really strong x-ray aimed at the place where the tumor was. It is meant to kill any radical cells and make sure all cancer is gone! Side effects are minimal, the rays tend to "burn" the skin somewhat like extreme sunburn. I apply aloe gel and Aquaphor to the site and so far I haven't had any blisters or bad reactions. The site gets a little sore sometimes but all in all it's okay. The bad part is that I go to radiation EVERYDAY! Monday thru Friday so I work all day, drive to radiation which takes about 30 minutes, then my session usually last about 15 mins, then back in rush hour traffic back home. So by the time I get home I'm bushed!

Otherwise I'm doing great. I have found a support group and it's a really good thing. I love it!
So needless to say, things are going well and I will do my best to update this blog at least weekly. If I could access it from work, I would update more often but I can't....IT'S RESTRICTED!!!! Oh well, I will do better I promise!

Thanks again for all your support and prayers!


Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Back to Work!

Well, I have returned to work and have not gotten used to getting up and going ANYWHERE on a regular basis. I've been trying out different times to see which one works. Oh well, wish me luck. Especially because I've gained weight an most of my clothes don't fit! But I will try to keep up with all the changes. Check back in the next few days, I have to tell you about my newest treatment.


Friday, October 3, 2008

Algebra Lesson: 2 Negatives=Positive

Well after meeting with both my surgeons, I have received great news. NO MORE CANCER!!! The pathology reports show that the tumor had dissipated (disappeared) and no residual cells remained. No cancer in my ovaries and therefore a positive report of being Cancer free!
I will see my oncologist next week to determine my plan for radiation therapy ( the last and final step). I will go back to work on the 13th, that is if my doctor says it's okay after I see him on Wed. (8th). So all in all.......IT'S ALL GOOD!

Okay, if you have nothing to do, call me! email me! come visit me! I'M BORED!!!!!

Thanks again for everything, all your thoughts & prayers. I can truly feel them covering me everyday!


Thursday, October 2, 2008

1st Report

I saw my gyno-surgeon on Tuesday because of a small infection in one of my incisions. The doctor said it was superficial and had not gotten deep into the wound so it was ok. He gave me an antibiotic and showed my mom how to pack the wound and wants to see me back in a week. He also gave me the pathology report which said there was no cancer or anything in my ovaries. There was something (a dermoid tumor) which is benign and would may have caused an issue later (much later) but that was all. Good report all in all! He released me to drive again if when I got in the car, I could jerk the wheel hard and slam on the break without it hurting. So, needless to say I'm driving. I'm not taking any narcotic pain meds so it's pretty safe for me to drive. As for work, he wants me to wait, I have to follow-up with him next week so I won't go to work until then. Oh, well! He reminded me that although my incisions were relatively small, I really did have major surgery, so in other words....SIT YO' ASS DOWN SOMEWHERE! He also reminded me that I had 6 weeks off. However, I'm bored at home but the most important issue is that I don't get paid for 6 weeks off this time so I NEED to go back to work. He said since I can sit at my desk or table & I don't do a lot of lifting and such I could go back to work after I see him on Wed. So I look forward to that.

I go to see my breast surgeon today so look for another update later today or tomorrow.

Also if you live in the area, check the news frequently to make sure a woman wasn't found wondering aimlessly through Chino Hills saying, I just need to get away!!!! My mom is still here and my Grandma came in on Tuesday and she has been watching me like a hungry eagle (nope not a hawk) telling me to not lift this, don't do that, if I take a Tylenol she wants to know what hurts! EVERYTHING I JUST HAD SURGERY!!!! But of course I can't say that without a trip to the ER or something so I just don't say anything. And for those of you who read this and will take to her, if you mention it I will deny it and say you must be going nuts!!!!!
Okay that's if for now!


Monday, September 29, 2008

Surgery Complete!

Well.......I'M BACK!!!!

I had surgery on Sept. 17th as scheduled. The lumpectomy was done using a guide wire that had to be put in with x-ray because there was pretty much nothing left to the tumor. The a dissection of my lymph node was down with no cancer cells found so that means....I'M OFFICIALLY CANCER FREE!!!!! A SURVIVOR some would say!!!!
The ufferectomy was done laproscopically so all surgeries done with the least invasiveness possible. So that also means I got to go home the next day with some instructions and great pain meds.
I'm still a little sore from surgery but recovering pretty well. I have a couple dr.'s appts. this week so I will update soon.
My mom is here now and has been taking great care of me, especially since I can't drive or lift too much. My grandmother will be here tomorrow so more TLC for me!
More updates later!
Thanks to all of you who have sent cards and get well wishes and of course thanks to ALL for the prayers. God is moving here!
